Monday, September 25, 2017

#6 Clyde Beatty


Roger Smith said...

When Beatty departed from Ringling titles at the end of '34, he was instantly signed to the new Cole show, quickly assembled by Jess Adkins and Zack Terrell. Harriett had long put in for a cage act, but her husband demurred. Now on a title the industry called "The Miracle Show", she could be put off no longer, and her operatic protests finally won her a shot. Her beleaguered husband, by then famed to the world, threw in with elephant boss Eddie Allen to produce an act with lion Simba and tigress Primba riding the original Anna May. The act premiered in 1936.

An interesting side-note: One day, the cats went haywire on their platform, and Anna May tore a new hole exiting the arena. Once calmed, she could only allow the act to continue with her herd pal Sydney quietly standing outside the cage.