Sunday, May 21, 2017

#4 Cat Acts


Patricia said...

Is the lion this guy is sitting on toothless? I wouldn't have much confidence in that big fellow directly behind the trainer. Looks like there might have been some attitude issues. Anyone know who the trainer is?

Jim Alexander said...

I think I've seen this photo labeled as an early Louis Roth.

Patricia said...

Thank you Jim

Roger Smith said...

It's Louie Roth, about the time Mabel Stark was joining out. To the circus writer, Earl Chapin May, she described being taken by his medium height, lean build, and all that curly hair. Roth was married then, but was already known for his genius in training cats, and those who were getting anywhere in the Barnes arena were learning from him. Long story with not a little backyard intrigue, but Mabel made damn sure she was the next Mrs. Roth.