Monday, August 29, 2016

Great Story!

My wife had a Secret Admirer while we were with Circo London in Mexico who sent her this Floral display regularly.
It just so happened that a delivery came while we were chatting with Kenneth Feld who was visiting and she asked, "Will we get this with Ringling Bros.?" and he replied....." Certainly!.....just leave a forwarding address!"


Chic Silber said...

Did you ever find out

who the admirer was

Buckles said...

It remains a Mystery.

Wade G. Burck said...

I had a similar situation occur my first year on GSOE(84) when one yellow rose would arrive at my dressing room each opening night. Charly used to take great delight in delivering it to me personally amide great fanfare. A year later it was discovered that it was being sent by the Executive Sec. to Steve Binder, Director of the yearly Ringling tv special. A wonderful lady from Texas(hence the yellow rose) whom I became quite "close" with for a couple of years. Steve Binder was the Producer/Director of the well known 1968 Elvis Presley Comeback Special. There was discussion of myself starring in a new television series, but as Irvin Feld had laid out such an exciting plan to make me the "new, American GGW" I declined. A short time later Mr. Feld died and everything changed. 1984 was my most memorable year, as well as my most disappointing. 25 years later I have excepted that my career has been a series of "close, but no cigar"

Wade Burck