Wednesday, August 29, 2012

1950-51 Kelly-Miller #9

The elephants brought up the rear in spec and the last four would continue on to pre-set props for the opening number. "Kay" and "Hattie" walked planks, "Anna May" rolled a ball and seen here is Bill Woodcock with  "Barbara" doing the bottle walk with Eddie Dullem in tow.


John Herriott said...

Pretty good elephant training and certainly an elaborate prop. Who built it? johnny.

Buckles said...

D.R's buddy Wayne Sanguin who owned the machine shop in Hugo that built everything.

Chic Silber said...

I wonder if those banners were

painted by Mother Dullum as she

did on the Beatty show in the 60s

Also the elevators by Blaess were

obviously not for passengers

Chic Silber said...

I guess that's what you'd call

a "high grass show"

Roger Smith said...

I had not known Eddie Dullem was on Kelly-Miller.