Tuesday, May 29, 2012

"Jessie" #1

05-28-2012 03;39;52PM by bucklesw1
05-28-2012 03;39;52PM, a photo by bucklesw1 on Flickr.

Joe Frisco ten years earlier.


Wade G. Burck said...

Interesting that this publicity photo use's the often misspelled "Hawthorne."

Wade Burck

John Herriott said...

I had no idea where Jesse came from. Joe has certainly had a full interesting career. I first worked with him when he a a mixed wild animal cage act. Seems he has done it all and the photos of his training Jesse are excellent. I never knew he had worked for Cuneeo. The Meloday farms are the Libertyville Cuneo estate and headquarters of the Cuneo owned Hawthorn-Melody dairy. It also housed the huge Cuneo home-mansion and they also had an impressive private zoo there and Father Cuneos,Hackney horse stable and wagon-carriage collection. All now gone. The mansion is a museum owned now by the bequeathing of John and Herta to the state of Ill. I believe