Thursday, April 28, 2011

Floyd King's Cole Bros. Circus 1930

04-28-2011 03;57;58PM, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

The Cole Bros title has been used by a number of circus owners, and the funniest story I know about it came from Floyd King and Joe Bradbury used it in his great series on the Adkins and Terrell Cole show.

It seems that when Adkins and Terrell were trying to come up with a title for their new 1935 show Dr King suggested Cole Bros, which he himself had used just a few years earlier. After some discussion they asked him to be sure there would be no legal problems in using the Cole title.

John Pluto thought he owned the title and sent them a "cease and desist" letter, but Phineas got the full story from Elmer Jones. Years earlier when he (Jones) had sold Pluto some equipment that he had used on his "Cole Bros" Pluto insisted that he get the Cole title as well. As Jones later told King, "I knew I didn't own the title but I wasn't going to let Pluto get out of Hot Springs with all that money, and I just decided to throw it in."
Dave Price