Friday, May 28, 2010

From Richard Flint #10

10 - old B&B wardrobe001, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

And finally, here's a glimpse at what is believed to be the Bridgeport winterquarters about 1910 showing work being done to prepare spec costumes for the coming season. There are about 65 people at work in this image for which I would welcome help to precisely date. We need to know more about the history of show costumes and their creation. For many years, of course, from at least the beginning of the John Ringling North era, major New York costume companies such as Eaves and Brooks-Van Horn have produced the elaborate creations of designers hired by RBBB. Throughout circus history costuming has been an important component but little of its story has been written.

Dick Flint




VERY VERY nice presention, Richard. Thanks to both you and Buckles.

Jack Ryan said...


Wonderfully done photo essay.

Thanks for doing this.
