Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Polar Bears #2

Ursula-2, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

This 1966 Zirkus Aeros poster of Ursula was done by artist Gunter Schmitz for a competition sponsored by the German Democratic Republic’s Ministry of Culture. It was later reprinted in the book 100 YEARS OF CIRCUS POSTERS.


Anonymous said...

Cliff Aeros was the owner of Circus Aeros. The East German Goverment took over the show after his death in the late 50s. He was married to Babbette (Pino) Belli from Zirkus Belli in West Germany.
She is the aunty to Rudi Belli who now lives in Australia. Two of Rudis daughters run a circus in Oz Circus Sunrise, and one daughter runs a show in Switzerland. Zirkus Lilliput.
Gary Brophy

Anonymous said...

Urusla was never as thin as shown on the poster but it is a nice advertising piece.

Anonymous said...

Speaking of Jenny Craig, did you see the artists rendering poster Cirque Medrano did for Sue Lacy? It looked like a 6'4" Sara Houcke fashion model.