Sunday, December 30, 2007

From Filipe von Gilsa

SAVE1954, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.


Casey McCoy Cainan said...

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Mr Burck,
If you are out there, send a smoke ring up. Just checking to see you are still alive,that cattle rustling is risky business. Tried calling but your phone yesterday, makes a beep of sorts. My wife tells me it's the International ring. Got them "cows" doing a "pyramid" yet?

Anonymous said...

No time for a pyramid. But 60 head did a hell of a roll over yesterday, when they fell into a ravine. Arrived here day before yesterday, and sure miss the fresh bread of Europe, and the beautiful Christmas circus there. Down here the people are very respectful. They call me Pinche Cabrone. I think it means Great Warrior. At least it is better then Anonymous.
Will try to give you a call when we bed down for the night.
Wade Burck

Anonymous said...

Your're going to have 100 people looking up Pinche Cabrone just to make sure it's not an unflattering nickname! cc

Casey McCoy Cainan said...

Only been there two days, and they are calling you that.Not just respectful, but also quite observant I see. Watch out, another week and you could have the slower ones callin you "Gunza"