Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Gollmar Bros. Circus Post Cards #2

This Pit Show has been spotted down town and exhibits "The Strangest Animal on Earth" a wart hog.
Despite what looks to be a pretty chilly day and with these marvels at hand, the young man at right disregards the need for shoes.


Anonymous said...

Richard Rrynolds says - -

Wart Hogs were once farily common in American circus menageries (in this case a pit show). However, I have never seen one on a show and my menagerie visiting goes back to 1937. Of course, for many years the agriculture dept(USDA) banned the importation of all wild swine which included wart hogs.

I saw one in Bronx zoo in 1947, my first, but nary a one therafter until 1989 at Cincinnati zoo. By then the ban had been lifted to allow in wild swine bred in captivity in Europe. Now we see lots of wart hogs, red river hogs (most stiking of all wild swine), and babirusa.

Anonymous said...

I'm trying to imagine a Bobby Gibbs wart hog show pitch.