Tuesday, December 27, 2005

The Banana Man

As a kid on the winter dates I remember the Banana Man well.
Other acts on the Spangles Show, aside from Tiebor's seals, were an Alfred Court cat act worked by Joe Walsh, The Parroff's, The Lopez Trio, Pallenberg's bears, Elly Ardelty, The Novak Sisters, The Walkmirs, Dr. Ostermaier and "Doheos", Adriana and Charly, The Kimris Duo and last but not least 5 Ringling elephants presented by James Reynolds and Andrea Gallagher.
I might add that Robert Ringling is the man who came up with this show.


Anonymous said...

Mornin' Buckles.as a kid in N.Y.C. I would see the Banana man on Capt' Kangaroo. Although he was not the original. A.Robbins was the creator of the act. from what little is known of him, he had 3 complete sets of props and wardrobe. it was that complicated of an act and with as many as 10 shows a day he spent all of his free time backstage constantly loading for the next show. Lee

Anonymous said...

I remember working with The Banana man at the Redding, Pa. fair. It took him 2 hours to load the coat. I've always thought it would be great to see Italo Fornisarri do this act.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Pat Cashin for the link to the Banana Man website!

The internet is amazing. The link to the Banana Man archive brought back wonderful memories. The history of how a Jewish immigrant developed his unique vaudeville routine and then constantly improved upon it in venues from circus to television is priceless. The many circus transformation acts out today were prestaged by Sam Levine (stage name A. Robbins) who designed and made all of his own props and costumes. I recommend that anyone with an interest in classic clowning take a look at the Furman University website for some fascinating background on a great clown.

Thanks to Pat Cashin's tip, I found the A. Robbins history by going to the Furman University website via Google and then entering "Banana Man" in the search window. It took me directly to the faculty pages where professor Bryson's Banana Man research is available.

Don Covington

Anonymous said...

Thanks Don for the posting of the link. L.S.

Anonymous said...

Sammy Levine, managed by Max roth is the man I spoke of on Capt. Kangaroo ! He was not the original banana man Adolph Proper was and he died about 7 years before his trunks were found by Mr. Levine. L.S.