Friday, September 23, 2005

Von Bros. Circus 1962/ Midway

I never saw this show but on closer examination of these photos I was plesantly surprised.
I must say tho this must be the most cluttered up marquee I ever saw. Reminds me of the connection squeeze Jimmy Hamiter and Ira Watts ran with Kelly-Miller but I'm sure this show had none of that fol de rol.


Anonymous said...

Mornin Buckles. Wasn't this the vonderhieds show? Freddy lives here in gibtown and brother is with Kelly miller or carson and Barnes? Also think I have a poster shot of the prince when he looked like movie legend Valentino.Is that the same cat act? Lee

Buckles said...

Hi Lee,
You're right the show belonged to the Vonderhieds.
Your poster might be Kigordo but I have trouble imagining him ever looking like Valentino.
I'm off to get an EKG, my Doctor says I have developed an irregular heart beat. Probably happened last winter while I was attending the dress rehearsal of the Ken & Nicole Show.

Anonymous said...

Albert is on Carson & Barnes again this season. Very sweet people. As a kid I remember Von Bros as always looking pretty on the lot.

Anonymous said...

Rumor is we won't be able to see this years RBBB Preview. no guest or media...

Buckles said...

Glad you tipped me off, I have been struggling trying to think of a good question to ask Mr. Tyrone, not I won't have to bother.

Buckles said...

Glad you tipped me off, I have been struggling trying to think of a good question to ask Mr. Tyrone, not I won't have to bother.